What are "foldables"? "Foldables" are interactive graphic organizers. I have been using them with my students for years because they are colorful, help students manipulate new information, and provide a very useful tool for learning. They can be used in many different ways and students always enjoy making and using these learning tools. One website that explains "foldables" in more detail is Dinah Zike's site, Dina-Might Adventures. Students will be making foldables in math and social studies throughout their fifth grade year.
Today students were given a vocabulary foldable assignment to work on over the next few days. Earlier this week they worked to develop a rubric for scoring their work when it is completed, and today we prepared the paper and went over the expectations for completing the assignment. I was VERY proud of the rubric the students developed. You will notice that it is in "kid friendly" language. This should help them better understand the expectation for each category of the rubric. Here is a link to a copy of the scoring rubric, Geography Foldable Rubric.
In case students lose the required vocabulary, the words are: geography, globe, latitude, longitude, geographic terms, physical features.