Welcome to all the rising fifth graders who will be heading back to school in a few days! It hardly seems possible that summer vacation is nearly over but I hope that you have all had an opportunity to rest up, have fun with your friends and family, and are ready for a wonderful new school year, fifth grade!
I sent each of you a welcome back newsletter with many details about what to expect this year. Included in the newsletter is also a copy of the classroom supply list and a classroom wish list. This newsletter can be accessed by clicking on the "Helpful Documents" tab at the top of this page, or by clicking the 2014 Summer Newsletter link.
You may access a copy of the classroom supply list by clicking on the 2014 - 2015 Classroom Supply List and a classroom schedule by clicking on this link 2014 - 2015 Classroom Schedule.
This year we will be using a new math program called Bridges in Mathematics. I am very excited to start using this math program and will be posting more about the program as the year goes along. In the meanwhile I would like you to know that when you look at our daily schedule you will see math listed at three different times during the day. Each morning we will start with Number Corner, which may already be familiar to some of you. Number Corner is a skill building program that revolves around the classroom calendar, providing daily practice as well as continual encounters with broader mathematical concepts.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you soon.