Monday, August 15, 2011

New School Year!!!

First I must apologize if you visited the blog a few days ago and this post wasn't up yet. There was a glitch with signing in to work on it and today was the first day I have been able to work that out. Things should work smoothly from now on, however, so I hope that you come back often. I try to post information about what we are doing in class or post helpful links associated with our various studies.

I have chosen this image so that you can see one way I like to spend summer vacation. This is the water garden where the goldfish live during the summer. I like to go out and sit on the big rock that you see at the right side of the picture. I find it soothing to watch the fish and listen to the water as it trickles over the little waterfall. Mr. Dub and I feed the fish each afternoon around four o'clock and the fish become frantic when they see us coming. They quickly learned to associate our presence with dinner!

Summer vacation is gently drawing to a close, however, and we are nearly ready to begin a new school year. It's very exciting to welcome all of our new fifth grade students. Some of you are "old" friends and I've been eagerly watching you progress through the grades. Some of you are new to Barstow School and I am eager to get to know you too.

I hope that by now you've received your letter with some information about what to expect during the new school year. Don't forget to write me a letter introducing yourself! I always look forward to receiving your letters and getting to know you a bit better before school starts.